13th Annual
Oct. 11, 2015
Point at number to change pictures (There may
be a short delay since there are so many pictures)
The 13th Annual JD's Football Sunday-
October 11, 2015
Once again, the amount of people that showed up at
Z-Two this year was incredible. We were able to raise a lot of money for
the Joseph Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund. We brought in a bunch of sponsors
that contributed a great deal to the event, especially the Event Sponsors:
Donato Inc (Gordon Rugg & Family), Frank
Fiumefreddo & Family, All State Insurance- Steven
Schneider Agency.
Thank you to everyone who came out and also to those that
were still able to send a donation to help make the day a big success.
It is great that each year there is a big crowd to celebrate Joey and
support the scholarship fund in his name.
The Doyle Family, Rugg Family, Eddie Olsen, Jimmy Sorrentino, Tommy &
Bryan Dunn, Pete DiStefano, Brian Paturzo, Mike Sutter, Nick Lucca, Anthony
Bavaro, Mike DeGaeta, Mike Taliercio, Hondo- NY Post, Xtreme Signs, Towne
& Country Deli and Z-Two.