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The 10th Annual JD's Football Sunday-
October 7, 2012
Once again, the largest crowd yet of 470 people showed
up to Z-Two this year. We were able to raise a lot of money for the Joseph
Doyle Memorial Scholarship Fund. We brought in a bunch of sponsors that
contributed a great deal to the event- the two big sponsors were the Event
Sponsors: Donato Inc (Gordon Rugg & Family) and Central
Jersey Waste & Recycling (Frank Fiumefreddo & Family).
Paula Pucciarelli's Balloon Boutique and Personal Paparazzi Photography
sponsored the event as well as decorating the venue and taking great pictures
throughout the day. Other sponsors were Relative Abstract (Nick
Lucca) and South Shore Signs (Anthony Nuzzuolo).
Most of all, thank you to everyone who came and to all those
who weren't able to come, yet still found a way to send a donation. This
year once again was an amazing time and jam packed for the entire day-
we raised an excellent amount of money for the scholarships and had a
great time in honor of Joey! With the great total raised this year, we
are able to achieve having Joey's name live on through scholarships, as
well as contine to explore some new community activities to take part
The Doyle Family, Rugg Family, Eddie Olsen, Jimmy Sorrentino, Tommy &
Bryan Dunn, Pete & Lynne DiStefano, Brian Paturzo, Mike & Anthony
Sutter, Nick Lucca, Anthony Bavaro, Mike DeGaeta, Nicole Guidera, Fiumefreddo
Family, Angelico Family and Mike Taliercio.